Meanwhile, Australia’s ASX 200 Index rose 0.25% on Monday morning. The Index followed the gains of the Dow Jones from Friday. Banking, mining, oil and technology stocks contributed to the gains, while gold-related stocks tumbled. The S&P/ASX Technology Index rose 0.63%.
Rio Tinto Ltd. (RIO) gained 0.72%, following a 1.19% rise in iron ore spot prices on Friday. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) rose 0.63%. Falling US government bond yields are increasing the appeal of Australian banks to yield-oriented investors.
Northern Star Resources Ltd. (NST), however, tumbled 2.35%, following gold’s 0.45% decline on Friday.
Outlook: risks and opportunities
Global markets remain sensitive to geopolitical and economic uncertainties as Trump’s inauguration approaches: tariff announcements will be critical.
- Trade tensions between the US and China and possible tariffs could weigh on global growth.
- Strong US economic data could undermine market expectations for Fed rate cuts.
- China’s stimulus measures will be key to supporting domestic growth.
While cautious central bank policies can provide stability, investors should closely monitor trade policies, inflation trends and monetary signals to manage market volatility. Discover strategies to manage this week’s market volatility here.